Against Divorce

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bitterness Could Turn Sweet

Wipe the Insanity off my face,

give me a look I can't ignore perhaps something more.

This scream fills my dreams like an unheard melody

within the rotten seam. Destiny is calling you

To that unheard song you once new. All these hours

screaming out, finally untrapped me from this doubt.

Show me how to follow the flowing water that

guides me to a safe place ive never been.

Only through Him I say.

Without these words I have no faith.

Without you the deal is broke

and without you I know i'll choke.

Without you I feel the dirt and I feel the pain,

But with you ah thats different to say.

With you I am strong.

With you I am whole

and with you, i have a love

i've never known.

Help me be more like you.

I want to live the purpose you have for me.

Help me only look towards you.

Kill the bitterness, break down the walls

and just set my heart free.

Memories in these Walls

So many memories we have

So many days he carried.

Life is short, just a vapor away.

In a glimpse of an eye, it is here and

gone today.

We reminisce of the past

of what he did, what he gained

and what we lost.

Deep down inside, we know that he's

in a better place.

No sorrow, no anguish and no pain.

Memories in these walls that

are painted by a vision.

Letting go makes it the

hardest decision.

But having hope and knowing he was saved,

gives us peace in knowing Dave

and where he is today.

"With Jesus in Heaven"

I hear toddlers say,

making tears come from my

eyes, marking a smile on

my face.

Let this be a realization to us all,

as these memories hang on the wall.

He was a man of brilliance and wit

He gave up his time and pursued his gift.

He managed to love his wife, children and family.

He was stubborn and never gave up easily.

We morn over his loss

but in the end we know who paid

the cost.

For our sins and iniquities,

it was Jesus Christ who died for Dave,

for you and for me.

And that is how he's rejoicing in heaven

on this very day, because he loved

the Lord and his sins were washed away.

*In memory of Dave B Curie- a Loving Husband, Father, Brother, and Grandfather

By: Elyse Foltz



It seems these things come like electricity

Circuiting through every fiber being in me.

Rushing and racing- while my heart stops

Only for a second does it make it drop.

It seems these things come like toxicity

Suckling underneath the bridge of simplicity.

It doesn’t feel real. It feels like a dream.

As I hear the cries and I hear the screams.

Shadows looking over, the sun

Captures memories; hoping to make a run.

Blissful skies, tranquil lies;Anything to get this pain to subside.

Trying to process this emotional bind.

Creating a passage way from my heart to my mind.

Praying- imagining- hoping that life will go on

.Needing time- to leave; escape- here I come, Milan.

By: Elyse Foltz

Sometimes There is Rain...

Right now it is raining.
Sometimes I feel like in Life, rain is God's love or his mercy's and blessings but other times I feel like it's worries and stress and all the difficulties in life that come down.
Not only a sprinkle but a pouring rain that drenches you, that makes you scared
of your appearance.

What am I scared of you may ask?

Losing Love.
Mysteriously growing farther and farther away from someone...
or something.

Sometimes tides of rain come in and you are standing there with an umbrella unsure of what to do.
Sure you are equipped....but not every time do you carry an umbrella or a raincoat.
And that's where I get stuck.

I'm always feeling stranded in the middle of a field unsure when the rain is going to hit and
very unprepared for what storm will cave in.

Sometimes there is Rain, but sometimes there is something more.
Sometimes there is Rain, but other times there just might be a flood.

I've only be married for a few months and I already feel like that passion between two people can slip away so easily.
Is that normal?
Is it just me? Or is it the storm i'm waiting for or hesitating to miss?
I don't want to live with a life of regret.... as in what could have been or what should
have been...I want to live a life with purpose but at this moment feel i'm just standing out in the middle of nowhere with no sign, no manual on what to do, and not a simple drop of food or water to keep me alive....What am i missing?
It's easy to put a face, any face on something that could not be. It's easy to mislead. It's easy to lie to myself. It's easy to fake happiness.
Why is it so easy to fake and not actually to do?
I have yet to understand the true meaning of why I am the way I am. Why I want something more than the so called life I have. Why I long for passion with my relationships and the people that I love. Some show passion and that gives me hope.
However, others seem dry, heartless and say that they love but don't embrace me or others.

Are we all just stranded in fields waiting for the rain and/or the storm? Or are we stuck wishing there was a path that says "go here"?
Could it be that Sometimes there is Rain.........
and Sometimes there is Sunshine?

Waiting for the light....waiting for that sign....hopelessly, patiently, enthusiastically waiting....