Against Divorce

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Surprise! Surprise! Another Governmental Scandal!

And this time...He HAS to Resign!!

Eliot Spitzer, Governor of New York & ex- prosecutor, filed his resignation several days ago. But for what, you may ask. As he told his wife just a couple days before it ventured public, he was involved with an ongoing $5,500 an-hour prostitution rush. With reporters at his feet, March 10th of 2008 was a day for apologies to Spitzer's family, friends and his state.

This so-called "scandal" sounds a little familiar which happened in the White House over a decade ago. The Lewinsky Scandal; which was the scandal between Pres. Bill Clinton (1993-2001) and intern Monica Lewinsky. Although, Monica was not a prostitute nor did Clinton pay for there "relationship", they still received publicity and Clinton was near impeachment!

Bill Clinton was the President Of the United States! Although affairs are not necessarily "illegal", they are still morally wrong, escpecially if one's the president of the US. For Spitzer, hence governor of NY, to resign because a prostitution yet Clinton only suffered humility for his affair. This concept is mind blowing and abominable!

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