Against Divorce

Friday, April 18, 2008


Now that the school year is nearly and finally ending with an upcoming summer along with a beginning of a new chapter in my life; I reminisce to the first week of coming to Kent State and realize how much an impact one year in college has affected my life. I look back to how much I knew, what I did, and even what I look liked which no way does it compare to the present. I have received experience, my individuality, being on "my own",finding who I am and have grown with awareness of diversity.

Coming to college is no piece of cake; It takes work, effort, dilligence, and strong will power. But coming to college I have realized that not everyone has grown up the way I have with my morals, religious aspects and political ideals. Of course I knew this when entering of how different these aspects were,but when experiencing them first hand It is a real eye opener and it consumes my thoughts on to how I appear to them. Although i've shared my ideals, and what I believe in to many people, I wonder if I have made an impact on them no matter how small.

As I now have reminisced about my past especially from the last year, I now focus on my upcoming future. The upcoming event(s) have filled me with mixed emotion that is unexplainable. I'm worried, excited, a little scared, nervous, yet i feel beyond thrilled and that this THIS is what i've been waiting for. A new experience that can and will change my life emotionally, physically and especially mentally. But I feel I'm prepared, no matter what one may think, to take the next step in my life.

I've been writing a book all my life and this experience will begin taking it to a new level with a new chapter. It seems every year there is some sort of freshness in my life whether I move, begin a new school, or where some event like this happens. I feel i'm ready to take on that challenge of finishing my story.

While I see the past and who I was, I go beyond that point to the future and face the experience. And that is the beauty of learning about life; the process of becoming who I am.

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