Against Divorce

Saturday, June 30, 2007

Our Unique Side

Some people can write, others can paint, some can draw, while others can't.
Some people are planners, others may be laid back, some people are smart, and some are good at track.
Over here are some shy people, talkative people over there, some people stay in a tight box, others live there lives to dare.
Some people are thinkers, others are dreamers, others like pictures and then there are those readers.
Some are intellectuals, while others have deep emotions, some take a long time to fall in love while others react to love like a potion.
Some people think big, while others think small, some are individualistic, while others lean on all.
Some can act, while others can sing, some can play instruments, while others musically don't know a thing.
So many talents, all of us are unique, I'm glad we are not the same, because this world would be oh so bleak.
If we all had the same tastes, and same desires, we each wouldn't be as special, and i think it'd be a nightmare.

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