Against Divorce

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

VENTING....ah..i love it!

Wow. So life can be pretty interesting, entertaining, and complicated
all at the same time. Now How is that?
This is a totally informal blog, but who really cares...There aren't many readers out there anyway.

So i've been lets just say reflecting on life lately. And i've realized of how all the topics of sex, religion, and politics are such a delicacy to man kind.
No one can talk about it without one getting stomped on, preached at, or suffocated.
Why has society engulfed these subjects on us yet we dare not talk about them amongst ourselves?
Why is media so concentrated on these subjects yet when we talk about them non-pervertedly, they are thrown against the wall?
Another question i ask myself is...WHY do media lie, and cover up the truth instead of showing the pure reality of life?

Oh wait...I can answer that!
Because they're prude, pungnent, and don't dare want to "offend" people or hurt a person's so called feelings.
Yet those same people that get offended go watch R rated films that are unrealistic and that have more devastation, gore and death than reality.

My Belief? the News and Media should only follow one rule...To ask for permission from the people or person that the picture or article is about.

America needs to face the dang reality that things happen and if you don't wanna see vivid pictures or read "scandalous" articles, then people...DONT WATCH OR READ THE NEWS!

News is about getting and showing the truth. Not the half truth or a quarter of the truth but the WHOLE fricken truth. AND people if you don't want that stuff then don't turn on the TV to CNN nor Don't buy THE NEW YORK TIMES.

Face the fact! Life is brutal, people are killed, suicides are common, racial activities STILL happen. Those who deny the truth, DONT want to OBVIOUSLY live in the real world!

HINT: If you happen to be one of these narrow-close minded individuals then move to some little island off of AFRICA where the media can't get ya, cuz one of these days MEDIA's going to change..and'll actually HAVE to face the reality!!

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