Against Divorce

Tuesday, November 30, 2010



It seems these things come like electricity

Circuiting through every fiber being in me.

Rushing and racing- while my heart stops

Only for a second does it make it drop.

It seems these things come like toxicity

Suckling underneath the bridge of simplicity.

It doesn’t feel real. It feels like a dream.

As I hear the cries and I hear the screams.

Shadows looking over, the sun

Captures memories; hoping to make a run.

Blissful skies, tranquil lies;Anything to get this pain to subside.

Trying to process this emotional bind.

Creating a passage way from my heart to my mind.

Praying- imagining- hoping that life will go on

.Needing time- to leave; escape- here I come, Milan.

By: Elyse Foltz

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