Against Divorce

Monday, December 31, 2007

Am I Living?

I have Tears. Joy. Laughter. Sorrow. Happiness. Sadness. I carry Hope. Love. Peace. Kindness. I witness War. Heartache. Confusion. Separation. Death. Misunderstanding. I believe in Redemption. Faith. Trust. Honest. I'm afraid of Hate. Worry. Sickness. Pain. Scarcity. Loneliness. Abandonment. Absentness. I strive for Success.Love.Acceptance. Hope. Forgiveness.

Am I living? That is a question I ask myself often. What is really the true definition of living?
~an actual existence, having life; no death.
~active, thriving and strong; flowing freely
~true to life
~absolute. changing; livelihood

Am I a lifeless being that floats around space; with no purpose and no plans? or do I Coexist to the unknown and only live my life under shadows that have been carried over to me? Will the weights ever be taken off, will the pressure be sustained? I'm hoping for the chance to look out of the window and see the sky once more; to look over the the ground and see spurts of grass begin to grow. My inner core is drying up; yet I need replenished to help me survive.

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