Against Divorce

Friday, December 7, 2007

October 23rd...Rain and Smoke Anaolgy.

The Rain is pouring so heavely. I love the rain. The smell it gives, the freshness it leaks out, yet i try to avoid it.
I'm afraid of the rain that it may hurt my appearance, defiling my outsides. Yet I simply know i won't be thought as different, but yet i still try to avoid it.
The Rain makes things grow, yet I hide under the black umbrella that shields me from getting wet.
While outside watching the seemingless water, stream down, bouncing off the sidewalk to create a shining glow. A magnificent aspect of weather yet I do my best to stay dry, to keep out of the splendor.
I stay Away from the Rain which I can soak up yet smoke crawls into my lungs and is only breathed out to fill the air.
I take a big deep breath of a substance that can be predicted. As soon as it has satisfied my senses, I exhale while sustaining a confused feeling.
The rain is not confusing nor misunderstood yet I keep myself away from it cleaning the air. The smoke is cloudy, which takes up time and money and only produces satisfaction.
The umbrella that covers me not only keeps the rain away but it holds the smoke close to choke me.
I don't want the smoke, neither the umbrella. I want to feel the rain, and I want to run it.
I want to breathe and live the rain yet i have no whre else to go except the closed tightness umbrella that overalps me with the smoke steaming down my throat.

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